Early Bell In High School

Written by Kerry Tobar | Nov 1, 2022 1:15:00 PM

Early first period bell times. The stress of finding an open parking space. Lugging heavy bags up stairwells, down long hallways, and through masses of large teens. It is all worth it for an AdoptED high school presentation.

For seven years, I have had the privilege of speaking with a variety of groups in our community about adoption, but talking with teens is still my absolute favorite. This population of humans will tell you exactly what they’re thinking without filter. Our AdoptED lessons are designed to give current and factual information about the different types of adoption and reasons people might place or adopt a child. As you can imagine, this topic sparks great conversation.  

Even when I think I’ve heard it all, a student will say something to surprise me. Highlights include young people declaring they now want to work in adoption or adopt a child from foster care when they’re older…or even saying they understand and respect their birth mother more. It is a joy and a privilege, and a responsibility AdoptED educators do not take lightly.